
Leadership Council - Reflections

I’m feeling especially fortunate to have been invited to a Leadership Council by Michel Spruance and Tyler Scheid to join a co-creative process with an inspiring collective of sage advisers. In our opening session we “gathered to imagine the essence and possibilities of Leadership and Ways of Being that bring us closer to Thriving in times of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA).”

Below are two reflections from this opening session, one through the lens of the individual and the next through the lens of the collective:

The power of the slingshot

We may feel we are moving backwards but this force is exactly what is needed to propel us forward. 

The tension we may be feeling is what gives us power. More tension provides more power. 

We grab on tightly and then release. 

We aim our force in a desired direction without knowing exactly where it will land. Simultaneously decisive and vulnerable to an unknown outcome—strong back with open heart. 

Now has the potential to become an inflection point propelling from incremental to monumental change. The slingshot's force is magnified by tension, when released this tension amplifies our rate of change. 

The purple drip was not intended and I was about to clean it up and then decided to just let it be. This chance event became the inflection point of "now" and the purpose of the diagram stemmed from it. Like the release of the slingshot toward an unknown destination--when we accept our lack of control, embrace our vulnerability--our purpose is allowed to emerge. 

The power of the quilt

Our council a patchwork of unique individuals with extraordinary experiences whose impact expands exponentially as we stitch together. 

Our activation from potential energy to kinetic energy is limited as individuals on our own path

Our activation from potential energy to kinetic energy is enhanced as a collective leveraging our symbiosis. Embracing mutualism both organisms benefit from the relationship. 

We lift each other, and ourselves, to new heights of kinetic energy by stitching our life experiences together--our quilt of shared stories stronger, our shared voice projecting further.

We are boundless. Designing new patches together off one another’s dreams we continue to grow organically in all directions. The power of story constrained by neither space nor time.

One potential outcome from our council is continuing the evolution of our ancestral oral history through the modern age of communication. Knowledge has been passed from elders to the next generation through stories, however, we currently are immersed in a social media cacophony where our next generation may only hear indecipherable noise and emerge story-less. The power of myth potentially submerged. The ancestral knowledge potentially unlinked. 

A prompt for the evolution of our council:

Through stitching together our experiences and stories, how might we partner to expand our ancestral quilt, empowering future generations of knowledge to continue to be shared and new insights to emerge?